Checking on your/or his well-being?
The Kessler Psychological Scale K10. This is a 10-item questionnaire intended to yield a global measure of distress based on questions about anxiety and depressive symptoms that a person has experienced in the most recent 4 week period.
(1) None of the time (2) A little of the time (3) Some of the time (4) Most of the time (5) All of the time
The K10 uses a five value response option for each question – all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, a little of the time and none of the time which can be scored from five through to one. The maximum score is 50 indicating severe distress, the minimum score is 10 indicating no distress.
- During the last 30 days, about how often did you feel tired out for no good reason? (e.g., score 1 - 5)
- During the last 30 days, about how often did you feel nervous? (e.g., score 1 - 5)
- During the last 30 days, about how often did you feel so nervous that nothing could calm you down? (e.g., score 1 - 5)
- During the last 30 days, about how often did you feel hopeless? (e.g., score 1 - 5)
- During the last 30 days, about how often did you feel restless or fidgety? (e.g., score 1 - 5)
- During the last 30 days, about how often did you feel so restless you could not sit still? (e.g., score 1 - 5)
- During the last 30 days, about how often did you feel depressed? (e.g., score 1 - 5)
- During the last 30 days, about how often did you feel that everything was an effort? (e.g., score 1 - 5)
- During the last 30 days, about how often did you feel so sad that nothing could cheer you up? (e.g., score 1 - 5)
- During the last 30 days, about how often you you feel worthless?
In Part K10 score results
Question 1 (e.g., (40 = 4)
Question 2 (e.g., 50 = 5)
Question 3 (e.g., 40 = 4)
Question 4 (e.g., 50 = 5)